The area including the Xingu* and the Trans-Amazonian highway, in the state of Pará, is currently facing alarming rates of infection and death due to COVID-19, only comparable to those reached at the peak of the pandemic in 2020 and which, if ignored, could cause the health system to collapse. In Altamira, the biggest city in the region, 7,000 cases were confirmed as well as 145 deaths. Across the region, more than 300 deaths have been registered, and the numbers continue to risekeep rising.
According to the city’s Department of Healthcare, the incidence of cases in the Xingu area surpasses the average of Pará state as a whole, and is also above the national average. Altamira’s two hospitals provide health care for an estimated population of 354,000** people in the area, and only one of them can handle high complexity cases. The city also receives Indigenous and Riverine people from 11 Indigenous Lands and 7 Conservation Units.
To make matters worse, there is an increasing number of social gatherings taking place, the city’s stores are open, and the public authorities have been failing to prevent crowdings, in spite of the fact that social distancing is still the only way to contain the spread of the disease. There is also false information on early treatments and remedies that can’t actually cure the disease. The vaccine, safe and effective, has already arrived in Xingu for some of the Indigenous people and for the health care workers who are fighting COVID-19. However, Brazil will only reach immunisation when the entire population is vaccinated. This is not expected to happen quickly.
Moreover, the region still hasn’t healed the wounds of the Belo Monte Dam’s construction, which left behind innumerable violations of the population’s human rights and environmental degradation. Altamira is one of the most violent cities in the country, and this has only been aggravated by the spread of COVID-19. We can’t allow the uncontrolled pandemic to open yet another wound.
We will not stand idly by while the horror settles in. We must not follow the example of other cities where, unfortunately, people are dying from the lack of oxygen in the hospitals. We cannot suffocate in the heart of the Amazon. That is why we created the Respira Xingu (Breathe Xingu) campaign: to gather different voices, proposals and donations to fight for this cause. We urgently need to mobilize society and pressure the government to fulfil its constitutional duty of guaranteeing access to healthcare as well as to immediately comply with the protocols determined by the World Health Organization for this pandemic. Otherwise, it will be responsible and accountable for all the preventable deaths. Breathe Xingu!
* Includes the cities of Altamira, Anapu, Brasil Novo, Medicilândia, Pacajá, Porto de Moz, Senador José Porfírio, Uruará e Vitória do Xingu.
** According to IBGE data, the nine cities situated in the Middle Xingu have 353,943 inhabitants. However, this figure does not consider the recent migration influxes that has increased the number of people living in this region.
Organizations that sign this manifesto:

01. education
Social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing our hands remain the best ways to prevent the virus from spreading. We have created educational materials to raise awareness on these effective and necessary measures.
02. Accountability
The City of Altamira needs to take urgent action to prevent crowdings, suspend events, and establish clear rules for essential and nonessential activities and services, - a necessary measure to prevent more deaths.
03. information
Information is critical, and it has not been reaching the population clearly. With support from healthcare professionals, we will disclose weekly bulletins with unified data from the region.
04. donations
There is a severe shortage of supplies in hospitals, and several families in the region are seriously vulnerable. We will promote, organize, and distribute donations.
05. memória
Os mortos por COVID-19 não são números, eram nossos amigos, familiares, colegas de escola, vizinhos. Tinham afetos, amores e sonhos. Aqui, honraremos suas histórias.
Help us spread the word! Find all of our promotional materials below and promote the Respira Xingu campaign through your network.
boletim Covid-19 xingu*
* Altamira, Anapu, Brasil Novo, Medicilândia, Pacajá, Porto de Moz, Sen. J. Porfírio, Uruará and Vitória do Xingu
Last update February 2nd at 10PM
Cases in the last 24h:
Deaths in the last 24h:
HRPT** occupancy rate:
Total cases:
Total deaths:
** Clinical and ICU vacancies dedicated to the treatment of COVID-19 at the Regional Public Hospital of Transamazônica
Sources: Municipal Health Secretariats of the Middle Xingu / Pará State Department of Health. Cases and deaths by date of confirmation
Daily data consolidated by the COVID-19 Epidemiological Monitoring Group of the Medical School of UFPA, Campus Altamira
Weekly, we will use this space to disclose the needs of our region. Respira Xingu is committed to connect donors and recipients.
What we need now:
500 Basic-needs grocery packages
For families in situations of economic vulnerability
To produce 300 T-shirts, 10,000 stickers, 500 posters, 50 billboards and 500 hours of sound car to promote campaign messages through the neighborhoods
01 oxygen plant
Oxygen plant with capacity of 50m³ / hour
promotion budget
200 quick tests
For the Araweté indigenous people
1. Financial donations:
Duas associações signatárias da campanha Respira Xingu se disponibilizaram a receber doações financeiras, fazer gestão desses recursos e prestar contas neste canal. São elas:
Coletivo de mulheres do xingu
Organização sem fins lucrativos que luta por políticas públicas e sociais de defesa e promoção dos direitos de meninas e mulheres negras, indígenas, ribeirinhas e urbanas da região da Transamazônica e Xingu. Sediada em Altamira-PA.
Coletivo de Mulheres do Xingu
CNPJ: 36.933.302/0001-60
Caixa Econômica Federal
AG: 0551 003 | CC: 3216-7
PIX: 36.933.302/0001-60 (CNPJ)
Daniela Soares da Silva • Secretária Executiva
Eneida de Almeida Melo • Secretária de Administração e Finanças
(93) 9238-6232 |
Associação de Moradores da Resex do Rio Iriri: AMORERI
Sem fins lucrativos e com sede em Altamira-PA, a Associação de Moradores da Reserva Extrativista do Rio Iriri coordena uma rede de 15 grupos indígenas, ribeirinhos e da agricultura familiar denominada "Rede de Cantinas da Terra do Meio", e detém a marca "Vem do Xingu". Além de valorizar a produção desses povos, há mobilização por direitos. O combate à COVID-19 tem sido atividade central desde o início da pandemia.
Associação dos Moradores da Resex Rio Iriri - Amoreri
CNPJ: 08.395.946/0001-06
Caixa Economica Federal
AG: 0551 | Conta Poupança: 6075-3
Francinaldo Lima (Naldo) • Assessor Técnico
Benônimo Miranda • Coordenador Financeiro
(93) 99127-0222 |
2. Doações físicas:
Envie suas doações físicas para:
Galpão da sede da Associação de Moradores da Resex do Rio Iriri – AMORERI
Rua Adultora, 7000, Jardim Independente 2 - Altamira - PA
CEP 68372-570